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John Keats 1795-1821


In my art, I paint a smooth talking character named Doktor Thrill. His romantic lady loves (for the evening) include a blonde (Snake Lady)a brunette (Blue Angel), and a red head (Lotta Heat). They are "all in the picture." hoping to catch Doktor Thrill's eye. The setting is somewhere in the thirties and the forties. But the era is more like The Great Gatsby and Tender Is The Night (Fitzgerald). The message is eternal: man and woman seeking romance.


60 X 48" Painting on Canvas

Framed Swan Gold Over Wood

As the artist of this fantasy drama, I see Doktor Thrill as one who plays out the dreams that most men entertain, and I create this on going story in all my paintings. Doktor Thrill becomes the metaphore by which the game of love is undertaken, night after night in all the racy clubs of the world, especially New York, Paris, and all the islands.

While he plays out his dreams on a canvas stage, Doktor Thrill's adventures? (which are thrilling and may be true) are part of a repartee to keep the game of love heated and exhilarating.

On into the evening this love chase continues and everyone dresses smartly, rides in

vintage autos, prop airplanes, chain driven motor bikes, and they all cruise to adventure and hopefully LOVE.

The women I paint alive in my imagination, whether she is in a bustier, with 5" heels, and kiss me quick lipstick, or spear hunting in the wilds of Madagascar, she is my archetypical women. She harnesses the power of the earth. She is the earth.

?Dr.Thrill, and all men, are but the river, who bring her nourishment. My beautiful woman can purr like a kitten, while she calculates her next moves. She has a brain and knows how to use it. There is power behind those eyes. I adore? the thought of her.



60" x 48" Paintings on Canvas

Framed Swan Gold over Wood

The following art represents the exciting diversity in Earl Linderman's painting oeuvre. The emphasis in these paintings deal with the power of image, color, space and compositional relationships. They work together within the DOKTOR THRILL narrative and together offer a compelling statement of artistic, and visual connections which bond the art to their creator. Earl Linderman collectors love the amazing twists and turns? of his artistic mind. His art collectors, often see themselves in his art, as if they are living in the Dr.Thrill narrative. Afterall, it is the fantasy of love, that we all pursue.














King of Hearts

36"x 36" Painting on Cavas

Framed Swan Gold Over Wood










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© Earl Linderman 2017
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